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What to Plant Now

Tropicals and Indoor Plants

Growing plants indoors is not only a fun and relaxing hobby, but it is also a great way to fight indoor air polution. Recent studies have shown that many of our comon houseplants are useful in absorbing harmful gases and cleaning the air in our homes and offices.

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Large leaves display a bright array of bronze, orange, red and pink, blend with the yellow veins over a green background.

Dumb Cane
Dark green foliage accented with shades of chartreuse, cream and white.

Corn Plant
Low maintenance bushy form in a range of sizes.

Pothos/Devil's Ivy
Bears, crisp shiny, heart-shaped variegated leaves. Tolerates over and under watering.

Weeping Fig
Pendant branches are covered in a glossy green or variegated foliage.

Rubber Tree
Large dark green foliage, burgundy and variegated are popular variations. Durable and dependable.

Split-Leaf Philodendron
Large, lustrous, hand-shaped foliage arches outward from a central trunk with reclines with age. Tolerates reduced light in the home.

Majesty Palm
This robust, tropical palm displays excellent characteristics for interior d"cor - soft texture, striking form and lush greenery.

Umbrella Tree
Umbrella trees are prized for their large glossy leaves and vigorous growth.

Hawaiian Schefflera
New foliage matures dark green and lustrous, adding a rich tropical element to interior d"cor.

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