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Fertilizers & Chemicals

Fertilizers & Chemicals

Roundup Brush Killer Concentrate
Rain-proof in 2 hours - for control that won't wash away. Effective on blackberry, broom, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, blackberries, kudzu, and other tough-to-control plants. Use to prevent regrowth of freshly cut stumps.

Maxide Home Pest Insect RTU
Maxide Home Pest Insece RTU

Maxide Dandelion & Weed Killer Concentrate & RTS
Dandelion & Weed Killer Concentrate & RTS

Maxide Slug & Snail Killer
Maxide Slug & Snail Killer protects vegetable gardens.

Maxide Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Granules
Maxide Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Granules protects your home from invading pests.

Maxide Fire Ant Granules II
Maxide Fire Ant Granules II

Max Multi Purpose Insect Killer RTS
Max Multi Purpose Insect Killer RTS

Maxide Systemic Rose & Flower Care
Maxide Systemic Rose & Flower Care

Ironite Plus Liquid Lawn & Garden Spray 6-2-1
For lawns, shrubs, trees & flowers. Greens up quickly. Dual-action

Ironite Plus Liquid Plant & Flower Food
For indoor and outdoor in-ground and container plants and flowers. For vibrant colors and lush foliage. Promotes vigorous root growth.